Colonial Castings- Decorative safety doors

Colonial Castings have been making the highest quality aluminium safety screen panels which we use to make our elegant, decorative safety doors.

Cast panels are available for both hinged and sliding doors as well as sidelight grilles. The panels are available in a wide range of styles, colors and sizes.

As all door inserts are gravity die cast, rust will never be a problem. Our doors are manufactured using extruded frame, solid aluminium corner stakes and come standard with the highest quality OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA keyed Whitco deadlock. The hinged doors come with powder-coated heavy duty steel hinges, while our sliding doors come with adjustable top and bottom rollers. A bug strip (which runs vertically alongside the back edge of our sliding cast doors) is installed to ensure a seal between the glass doors, leaving no gaps.

Sliding doors

– A lockable keyed deadlock

– A bug seal which is fixed to the back edge of the door which ensures a tight seal between the flyscreen door and glass door.

– All corner stakes used are solid aluminium not plastic and are screwed together not riveted (As screws don’t work loose over time)

– Top and bottom track can be installed if required.


– A lockable keyed deadlock

– A keyed Whitco deadlock is used on all our decorative cast doors as they are a more positive lock than the standard non keyed A-latch used by other door competitors.

– All corner stakes used are solid aluminium not plastic and are screwed together not riveted (As screws don’t work loose over time)

Optional Extras

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  • Bottom Bug Seal

  • Stop Bead (If required)

  • Door Closer

  • Tripple Locking System